Miranda Kerr shifted her baby weight almost instantly

Miranda Kerr shifted her baby weight almost instantly

It might not happen as quick as it does for Abbey Clancy or Miranda Kerr, but you don't have to be a celebrity or supermodel to lose your post baby weight easily.

The most important thing to remember is to not put yourself under pressure to lose it quickly. Your body is tired and you need to build up your strength before even considering dieting. Give yourself a 6 week rest period to recover from childbirth and give your body time to recover.

After this time, be as active as possible. Taking your baby in their pram for an hours walk every day is great exercise. If you exercised before and during pregnancy, you shouldn't find it too hard to get back into the routine but ease yourself in. If you never exercised before, take it easy on your body and listen to it when it's tired and has had enough. Discuss any new exercise ventures with your GP for support and advice.

Avoid snacking. If you do, make sure it's on fruit and healthy foods that will keep your energy up. By eating low-fat foods that are rich in vitamins such as lean meat, fish, wholegrain breads and pasta and plenty of fresh fruit and veg, you can avoid strict dieting and still have a healthy intake.

Don't feel guilty with yourself for taking time out from your baby to exercise. You'll be dealing with new hormones and mood swings but try not to let these get on top of you. The hardest thing can be finding time to exercise, see if a willing family member or grandparent can look after your little one for a couple of hours a week so you can have some alone time to hit the gym.

If you follow a healthy diet and stick to a gentle exercise routine, the weight should start to come off slowly. What most women find more difficult is that last half a stone to get you back to your pre-baby weight. Though it's tough, persevere with exercise and include sit ups, press ups and the plank to tone muscles and finally rid of that jelly belly.


Alexandra Baracskai

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