It’s that time of year again where young adults all over the country leave home to embark on the university experience but does having a relationship fit in with that lifestyle?

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

It’s difficult, some would say you can most certainly make a relationship work despite being at different ends of the country, yet others would say quit whilst your ahead and end on good terms.

At the end of the day there are two sides to this story, one being that you’re literally waiting to end your relationship before university starts and if this is the case then you should end it, because it’s clearly something that you’re not fully committed to.

Secondly, you’re ready to give it a try and see how it works out. If this is the case then here are some top tips to keep your relationship on track.

Find A Balance

Obviously being away from someone that you’re used to having just around the corner is going to take its toll but calling them every 10 minutes isn’t going to keep you close, quite the opposite, it will drive you apart.

Especially if one of has chosen not to go to uni, this will only leave your partner resenting you for constantly wanting all their attention. Instead, find a nice balance. Maybe text everyday but phone/skype three to four times a week?

This will give you both time to do other things without being constantly worried about how/what the other one is doing, plus it’ll give you something to look forward to!

Don’t Hold Back

Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you should be sat at home twiddling your thumbs. Go out and enjoy your university experience!

It’s not about having one night stands, it’s about enjoying yourself and making new friends along the way.

If your partner has a problem with you leaving the house to go out with your mates then there are clearly some trust issues there and you have to question whether it’s worth working through them or calling time on your relationship.

Go The Distance

Nothing will please your partner more than you making the trip to see them once in a while. Depending on how far away you are from each other, set up regular trips to see each other.

A nice idea would be to meet in the middle and get a hotel for a few nights. It’ll give you both some quality time with each other without any interruptions and will be a nice change of scenery!


Have a great time! University is one of the best experiences of your life; eating pizza, drinking, sleeping in and a few lectures thrown in for good measure.

There’s plenty of time for you to spend the rest of your life together and you never know what life will throw at you, so make the most of university and look at this as one more hurdle for your relationship – it’ll be much stronger because of it!