Everyone has different tastes when it comes to proposals, some like extravagant and some like low-key, so whatever you’re taste there’s an idea here for you!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

The Traditional Romantic

For the traditional and chivalrous men, simply taking your lady out for dinner and looking into her eyes whilst you ask her to spend the rest of her life with you will make her melt.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have to spend hundreds of pounds on a five course meal at a Michelin star restaurant, but at the same time don’t take her down to the local Italian which you frequent every week.

If there’s a place that you’ve wanted to try out for a while then going there would be perfect. A little tip would be to try it out before you take your lady there to see if it’s worthy of hosting your proposal.

If all is good, then you’ve got your venue and all you need to do now is dress to the nines and make her fall in love with you all over again!

The Theatrical

Most first dates consist of sitting in a cinema, not really watching the film you went to see because you’re too busy focusing on whether you’re going to get a kiss or not before the film is over, so why not take your proposal back to where it all started?

Ask your local theatre if they can run an ad of your proposal before the film begins. It’ll be a massive surprise and will no doubt make your lady feel special.

We’ve already seen this done a few times on the internet, but it just goes to show how creative you can be with it and what your video can include.

This is great for those of you who are a little eccentric and want the world to know that you’re in love.

The Sentimental

Memories are well worth documenting so that in years to come you can look back at your time together, so why not suggest putting a time capsule together?

Explain how you want to have something to dig up in years to come that will allow to re-live special memories together.

When you’re putting together the capsules contents, tell her that it wouldn’t be complete if it didn’t have a picture of the moment you became engaged in it, whilst presenting her with the ring.

Remember to have a camera at the ready to capture her reaction. The best thing about this is you’ll be able to re-live the moment once you dig up the capsule!

The Shy Guy

If you don’t want to come right out and ask your lady that all important question, then the silent but super romantic proposal is the one for you.

Write her a love note with your proposal at the end of it and then slip it in the book she’s reading near the point that she’s up to.

When you know she’s reading it, go and sit in the room with her (ring in pocket) and as she reads the note, present her with the ring.

The Role Reversal

Men can sometimes be a little slow on the take up when it comes to proposals, so if you’re a woman wanting to get married, then there’s no need to wait for a leap year.

Remember that men don’t require all the fuss that women do when they’re being proposed to, so keep it simple and straight forward.

Be a fantastic girlfriend and cook him his favourite meal, attend to his every need and dote upon him all night.

Once you’re chilled out in front of the TV, simply ask him to marry you. He’ll have seen what a great wife you can be, and he’ll appreciate how bold you were.

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