Think back to the time before you graduated university; the close friends you had and the constant partying you did together. You were in your element and never wanted this moment to end. But now, fast forward to a few years to this present day and ask yourself, ‘Do I still keep in contact with my friends from university?’ If the answer is no, now is the time to reunite with your old BFF’s and make sure you never drift apart again.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Invite them round for a cuppa

Once you’ve graduated university, it can be hard to make time for each other as you have often gone your separate ways and are concentrating on your career and starting a family of your own. Make at least one day every couple of weeks available for you to have a catch-up over a cup of tea.

Just a phone call away

So it might not always be easy to see each other face-to-face but it’s never hard to pick up the phone and give them a call to see how they are doing. There is no excuse why you should drift apart from your school friends when it is so easy to talk to them on the phone.


Although your schedule can be very hectic, it is important not to get too carried away with work. Allow time for you and your friends to go out and have fun. Hit the nearest town and party until you can’t stand any longer!

Facebook and Tweet them

Social networking is become bigger every day so why not take advantage of it and use it to chat to your mates? It is free and easy to you and keeps people in contact with each other. It also keeps you up-to-date with what is happening in your friends lives so you won’t feel left behind and clueless.

Go shopping

All girls love to shops and this is the perfect way to catch up with your friends. It gives you something to do rather than mulling over what you can do for ages, resulting in you not actually doing anything.

Invite them round and watch a film

Pop in a DVD, grab the popcorn and settle down for a nice, cosy night with your mates. It’s a cheap idea and will bring you all together.