Jo Hemmings

Jo Hemmings

Jo Hemmings, Invisalign ambassador and dating expert shares her top tips for relationship success and achieving the feel good factor.

Why is today less about meeting someone by chance and more about getting what you want?

In the last decade or so, online dating has moved from being a marginal and unusual way to meet a partner, to being the norm, far overtaking the ‘chance encounter’. With this boom in online dating has come the opportunity to be more specific about what you want in dating terms – anything and everything from geographical area, job preference, and personal interests to height, personality type and eye colour!


Why is it a good idea to be more risky in your dating strategy?

It is less about being risky and more about being confident. With the boom in online dating forms, you have the chance to meet more people than you ever would the old fashioned way i.e. at parties or through friends. However, this means face to face communication is minimised, so you need to make sure you maintain the confidence to go out and meet these people that you have never interacted with before. Remember, not everyone looks great on paper (or online!) but that doesn’t mean to say they won’t be a perfect match for you, so take these risks and give them a chance.


How can all invitations be seen positively even if at first they seem dull?

It's about being opportunistic and recognising that just as the most potentially exciting social occasions can sometimes be a bit of a let-down, the least interesting invites, can turn out to be the most fun.  Don't dismiss any invites when you're looking to date – just keep an open mind and know you can always make your excuses to leave early if it turns out to be disappointing.


Why should you always make an effort with your appearance?

It's that possibility of meeting someone gorgeous even in the most unlikely of circumstances. Making an effort with your appearance is also a good way to maintain healthy self-esteem. I think it is also important to look happy and maintain a smile. Smiling actually makes you look and feel more attractive too. A symmetrical smile that starts from the eyes and shows a bearing of teeth will be the most striking of smiles and is an indication of genuine attraction.


Why is it important to remember the other significant relationships you have in your life even if you are single?

Thankfully, the days when women depended on their 'other half' to completely fulfil them emotionally and financially are long gone. These days most of us have close family, friends or work colleagues to share our fun and concerns with. Having friendships outside of a relationship – or when you are single – is important in maintaining both independence and a healthy sense of perspective.


Why is the most important relationship the one you have with yourself?

At the end of the day, however close your friends and family might be, the one person who has to take ultimate responsibility for your life, is you.  Learning to recognise your good qualities and appreciating the simple pleasure of spending time on your own gives us a much more positive outlook on life.


Why do we still envy other people’s lives when we could simply take steps to improve our own?

Sometimes making changes in our lives can seem overwhelmingly impossible.  It's good to take one-at-a-time baby steps to make whatever changes we feel would improve our lives. It's also tempting to look at other people and envy what they look like or what they seem to have achieved without really thinking what might be going on under the surface.  People often project the kind of outward confidence that makes us envious, but the truth is, there will always be much more than meets the eye and they will have their own concerns.  It's always more fruitful to spend that 'I wish' time in taking steps to make your own life more fulfilled.


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