Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

From the tender age of 14 to 16, Jolie had a serious boyfriend. Her mother allowed them to live together in her house, which she justified by not going out and being reckless but by being under the watchful eye of her mother to be in safe relationship. When it ended Jolie put all of her energy into her acting career to get over it.

In the filming of ‘Hackers’ Jolie and Johnny Lee Miller had a relationship, which was her first serious partnership since her one when she was 16. Post production they were in little contact, however met up again and the couple got back together and then married in 1996.

Jolie didn’t go down the traditional route for her wedding, wearing black rubber pants and a white t shirt which had the groom’s name on written in her blood.  The couple separated in September 1997 and divorced in 1999.

She had a brief fling with model and actress Jenny Shimizu when she was on the set of ‘Foxfire’ in 1996.

In 2000 after only two months of being together she married Billy Bob Thornton in Las Vegas. ‘Pushing Tin’ was responsible for bringing the two together, however Thornton was engaged to Jurassic Park actress Laura Dern.

The couple adopted a child from Cambodia in 2002, however ended their short marriage only three months later.

In 2005, Jolie was blamed for being the reason that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split after photographs were taken on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith of them looking rather friendly together.

They both denied any wrong doing on the set, however admitted to falling for one another while filming, coining the name ‘Brangelina’.

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