Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Break ups take their toll, both on your emotions, and on your appearance. But instead of moping on the sofa, eating everything in sight and using any excuse to justify the fact that your hair and clothes haven't been washed for several days, (NB: These actions are acceptable for about a week - when else can you watch the entire boxset collection of The OC?), this is the chance to give yourself some 'me time'.

The showbiz world almost exploded at the news that Katy Perry and Russell Brand had split late last year, after just 14 months of marriage. Since then, Katy has dyed her hair bright blue (and we mean, BRIGHT blue), and has been pictured showing off her incredible figure in thigh-skimming dresses - so is this the ultimate way to get over your ex?

We've all been there, that one time that you don't wear make up to nip to the shops, throwing on some old leggings and not bothering to run a brush through your hair, and there he is, strolling down the aisle - the ex. Now, this situation is awkward enough as it is, but when you're looking like you just rolled straight out of bed and into the supermarket (which you did, but he just doesn't need to know that), it can make it that bit more traumatic.

Just imagine the same scenario again, but this time you are wearing a fabulous outfit, with your hair freshly styled and looking hot. See? Makes all the difference.

Let's just make it clear - you aren't doing that for him, you're doing it for you. Because a break up can be hard enough, without experiencing that post-break up meeting whilst feeling at your worst.

So, is a reinvention of your image just what you need after a break up? It seems to be working for Katy. It doesn't need to be driven by a desire to win him back, or prove the point that you are gorgeous, just by the incentive of all the good things to come. A break up may signal the end of a part of your life, but it also means the start of something new.

It's time to follow Katy on the path to the new you - starting with your hair. Take a deep breath, be bold, and step into your hair salon to request something completely different. So many women are eager to try a new style, but just never quite get round to it. Now is the time. Your hair is in safe hands with the professionals, see what they suggest you try. Don't feel you have to push yourself too far out of your comfort zone, you'd be surprised how much impact small changes can make.

Next: the wardrobe. Go through all of your clothes and throw away anything that a) doesn't fit, b) reminds you of 'him', c) doesn't make you feel amazing the second you put it on. There is no time for shapeless, unflattering clothes.

Now time for the best bit - shopping. Out with the old, and in with the new. Take a friend with you for a second opinion on the things you try on, and to make sure you carry out the most important task of all: trying an item in a colour/style/shape/brand you would never wear. Just try it on, it may not work - but you'd be surprised how much more interesting shopping becomes when you open your mind to the possibility of trying something you would previously have walked straight past, or looked at and though 'no, it's not me' - how do you know?

The same can also apply to men. Take those new clothes out to a bar, and keep your newly coiffed head of hair up - you won't meet Beckham's body double - if you do, we want to know where this bar is - but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy yourself.

Next time you see the ex, you'll be looking and feeling fabulous, and ready for whatever comes next. Katy, we salute you for showing us the way!

Georgia Smith