Fart- On each other- around each other- whenever you need to let it out you do.

Argue- then make up

Argue- then make up

Give each other the silent reatment- 'Are you mad at me? Hellooooo?!'

Call each other fat- While eating something fattening.

Do silly dances- Usually when you are happy- like when it's the weekend or when you get Chinese food.

Talk about saving- Because you spend money like water as soon as you are paid- on crap.

Talk about one thing and let it lead on to your actual point- 'You need a pension so you will be able to visit your grandkids- you do want kids don't you?!'

You compromise- 'You can impregnate me with two children- but only if you buy me a McDonalds tonight.'

Arrange a night with your friends when you're mad- To give him chance to sit and think about what he's done. Even though he has no idea.

Tell each other when you are mad- Then there is the door slamming.

Apologise- Because you try to never go to bed on an argument.

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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