Vouchercodespro.co.uk has found that almost a third of Brits have had some involvement in the breakdown of their friend's relationship.

Facebook profiles are often used to do this

Facebook profiles are often used to do this

Most of the time their friend has no knowledge of this because many have done the deed through fake media profiles.

But why sabotage a friend's happiness one might ask? We take a look at the top five reasons people have gone out of their way to ruin their friend's romantic life.

I have romantic feelings for my friend's partner - It's always going to be hard when a friend is in a relationship and their mate isn't but it's made even more difficult if two friends are in love with the same person at once.

I don't like the way my friend's partner treats them - Friends can get protective of the way their mate's partner treats them. They might feel like they are doing them a favour if they intervene when their friend may not see it or feel strong enough to leave the relationship.

I have romantic feelings for my friend -Some people don't want their friend to date anyone else because they're in love with them but don't feel they can come clean. They feel better if their friend is single on the off chance they might pluck up the courage to reveal their feelings.

They don't suit each other - A friend might be able to see that their mate's partner is completely wrong for them, but they are blind, so their chum might feel like they are saving them from future hurt.

I want my friend to be single again - Relationships can take a lot of time away from friendships so friends may get jealous when they no longer have the same access to their mate that they once did.

Other than making a fake Facebook profile, other so called friends made up rumours, made a move on their mate's partner, faked texts or followed their friend's partner to find out if they had any secrets.

George Charles of VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, made the following comment on the findings of the study:

"Wow, I really can't believe that Britons are actually sabotaging their friend's relationships! This is extremely selfish and is disappointing to see."

"I think people that do this need to have a long, hard think and realize that their friend's happiness is the most important thing. Imagine if someone did this to your relationship, I'm sure it'd make you pretty mad!"

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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