Share clothes- If she wants to take something out of your wardrobe without asking- then that's ok.

Share your clothes

Share your clothes

Be honest- If you look awful in an outfit- she will tell you.

Talk about their partner/ crush- Even if you have heard it a million times before- you let her vent if that's what she needs.

Share drinks/ gum- You know her hygiene levels and she passes.

Share the bed- You think nothing of cosying up under the covers- she will always get you up when you need to be awake.

Pee in front of you- You are not fazed by this at all now.

She tells you the truth- If you are too good for a guy she will remind you until you dump him.

Befriend your friends/ family on Facebook- What's yours is hers.

PDA- She hugs you a lot- when you meet up- when you say goodbye- if you're upset.

Sit with you while you cry- No words need to be exchanged- just a head on your shoulder is enough.

by for
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