Cotton USA has found the top three worries couples have when moving in with each other. We examine each of these and come up with some ways to navigate around these potentially tricky situations.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Adapting to your partner's lifestyle- Will you want to go out when they want to stay in and vice versa? Will they want you to go out with their friends or go it alone? What time do they like to go to bed? When do they have their evening meal?

There are many questions couples will have when moving in together- the most important thing is to discuss what your usual habits were before with your loved one. There may be some you don't want to let go of like seeing your friends every week/fortnight- there may be others that you are willing to negotiate over like how many times you eat out for instance.

If you talk them through and communicate what means a lot to you and what you are ok with changing- then you will both know where you stand. Of course you will want to create a new lifestyle and new habits together too.

Losing your independence- You may feel that you can no longer just come and go as you please or make plans without having to consult your partner.

It is important to still be independent when you are in a relationship and living together. You should aim to still have hobbies of your own and people who you see without your partner. If you spend all of your time together then you will tire of each other quickly, however if you don't spend enough one or both of you may become resentful. What I would suggest is making plans at the beginning of the week that creates a balance between your own time and time with each other.

Make time for your date nights as well as opportunities for 'me time'- if you both agree beforehand there should be no reason to feel like your relationship is lacking nourishment.

What household items to pack/ditch- Neither of you wants to sleep on sheets that an ex might have rolled around in- even if they have been washed. Similarly- no lover wants to dry themselves on a towel that may have touched the skin of a pervious partner.

Be considerate of each other's feelings when it comes to things you owned with an ex. Chances are they don't want to surround themselves with items that remind them of your former relationships and vice versa. Buy new things together like sheets and towels so that you can build up a stock of belongings that only remind you of each other and setting up home.

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