Cressida Bonas and Prince Harry 'are back together', according to a new report

The pair recently went on a cinema date together, when they watched the comedy flick 'Sex Tape', and it's claimed that they have rekindled their relationship five months after Cressida ended it.

A royal source said: "It's early days but Harry's over the moon. He realises she's the one for him."

It's claimed that the pair met for a date at a cinema in Kensington High Street, west London - and they made the effort to keep their night out as low-key as possible.

An onlooker explained: "They tried hard to blend in. None of the other cinemagoers seemed to realise."

Following the date, Harry got into a car with his bodyguard, while Cressida hailed a cab that sped off in the direction of Kensington Palace.

Speculation surrounding their relationship increased following Cressida's appearance at the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games, where she was seen laughing and joking with friends.

The brunette flew into the UK from a wedding in Italy to attend the event that came a day before Prince Harry celebrated his 30th birthday.

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