Shabnam Patel asks :

Please can you recommend a good face wash for oily skin?

Female First replies

Oily skin still needs as much care and attention as that of dry or normal skin. 

It's often thought that you're ok to skip out on the moisturiser because your skin will help provide it - this is most definitely not the case. 

Whilst it may seem stupid to add more oil to your skin, oil cleansers also work very well on oily skin and can help balance it out. Plus, they're amazing for deep cleansing - just make sure that you buy one specially designed for oily skin. 

That's the best tip I can offer really, look for a face wash that is designed specially for oily skin. Use your fingers to apply and wash gently, then for a deeper clean use a Muslin cloth to help get the deep dirt out from your pores - this also provides a light exfoliation on the skin too. 

Here is a selection of my favourite face washes, all designed for oily skin. Just click on the image to buy straight from the retailer. 

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