With no Power of Veto competition and time to campaign for her life, Naeha Sareen became the victim of Big Brother Canada season three's first instant eviction. Now though with a chance to re-enter the house in the First Five competition coming in a few weeks' time, she's still positive that she can get back in the Big Brother house and make it all the way to the end.

Now back in sequester, we got the chance to catch up with Naeha just before she was hidden away from the world once more, to find out just how she feels about being instantly evicted, her fellow houseguests and much more, in a new and exclusive Big Brother Canada interview.

Naeha was instantly evicted / Credit: Global
Naeha was instantly evicted / Credit: Global

First off, you now know you could re-enter the house, how will your gameplay change if you do go back in?

Well, I think that I'm gonna have to make a complete 360 if I go back, actually when I go back into the Big Brother house. First of all everyone already knows how strong of a player I am, both personality wise, I'm smart, I'm intelligent and I can play in a physical comp, and they're already scared of me. So, it's gonna have to be more of a social change. Now, I'm going to have to pull something very unlikely out of the hat. Now, that could be a showmance for example, just because I think the houseguests already know I'm not all about a showmance at all. Everyone else in the house was kinda making out or doing this, that and the other, I wasn't participating but if a showmance could get me a little further, I might consider doing that. It could be likely for me that I could take that route.

Again, a big change would have to be who I align with. Something that would be very, very unlikely for me would be to align with Graig, I mean, I hate the guy, but if it gets me further in the game I'm willing to do it. He is a loose cannon and he will definitely end up probably self-evicting himself eventually so, if I could use him and get a little further, I'll do that, and also he could be someone who other houseguests would have a very, very, VERY hard time giving the money to in the end. So he would be ideal to take in a final situation, because one could likely win against him. The options are really endless for me, I'm gonna weigh out every possible option and pick the best one that will further my game.

Who will you align yourself with if you get back into the house?

I will definitely get back into an alliance hopefully with Sarah and Johnny, just because it would be obvious for me to do that. I mean how could I not get back into an alliance with people who voted to keep me? It just wouldn't make any sense. They can't be my enemies in my house, it's absolutely not possible.

I would also like to go back to the alliance that I created before I left, the alliance that included Zach, JP, Kevin, Brittnee, Sarah and Johnny and myself - that could be a deadly alliance. If it's still intact in my absence it could potentially work.

I definitely wanna get back in there with Zach because we had an alliance that no one really knew about. I understand that he voted to evict me, I feel that he had to do that for his own game, but if I were to go back into the house and work with him, no one would know because they're already expecting that I'm not working with him since he already voted to evict me.

Do you think you could have escaped eviction this week if there was a Power of Veto challenge?

ABSOLUTELY! 110% I would very likely take myself off the block! I am a fierce competitor, mentally, physically, I know if I had that opportunity to fight for my life, I would have taken it and I would have gone to the end with it. I would not be sitting here right now telling you what's going on with me, I'd be in that house, I'd be playing the game. Veto is something, as a super fan as you must know Daniel, this is the worst way to go in a game. Not having the opportunity to fight for your life, I truly 100% feel that if I had the opportunity to 1) play in the Veto and 2) campaign for my game, I would be in there right now.

Naeha didn't get to play a Power of Veto to try and save herself / Credit: Global
Naeha didn't get to play a Power of Veto to try and save herself / Credit: Global

Why do you think that you were a target this week?

We should perhaps go back two and a half weeks, why was I a target day one? I was a target since the second I walked into that house, the minute my name was pulled up from Veto I was fighting for my life, just because people saw what kind of a competitor I was. As soon as I walked into the house people were calling me Neda, I'm sure you've heard that, and I've heard people were calling me Janelle. That target was put on my back instantaneously, and that was ultimately a huge factor as to why I'm sitting here today. Yeah, so that target continued on from the day that this game started.

Which houseguest do you hope will be fourth out the door?

I 100% hope that Godfrey is the next person that gets evicted from the Big Brother house. As you know there is a chance that I could re-enter the Big Brother house. Based on my conclusion, I don't know I'm kinda thinking there's one of two ways I could possibly get into the Big Brother house. One, Canada votes me in, two I compete in a competition against the other evictees to see which one would go back into the house. I feel that over Godfrey I have the best chance to be voted back into the house, I think Canada will probably like me a lot better than they like him, and two I feel I could beat him out any day in a physical or mental competition, therefore it's best for my game if Godfrey is the fourth one evicted.

Make an early prediction - who will get to the final three?

First of all, obviously it's gonna be me! I will definitely be in the final three! Positive thoughts!

Next I think Zach will 100% be in the final three, he is playing an amazing game, everyone loves him, he is Captain Canada, all the girls love him all the guys love him, he's in a great position in the house.

And the third person, I think JP has a good game going on, he could very likely make it to the end, but I do hope it's my girl Sarah.

Sarah and Naeha have a great friendship / Credit: Global
Sarah and Naeha have a great friendship / Credit: Global

Who would you like to keep in touch with after everything is said and done?

I honestly think I'll be in touch with most of the people in the house. I didn't really have many enemies other than Graig, maybe Godfrey, but you know what? I think at the end of the day this is a game and I can completely separate personal feelings from game, and I think I'd be good with pretty much everyone that's left in the house.

Big Brother Canada continues tonight with a whole new eviction at 9pm ET/PT on Global.

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