Aidan Turner isn't sure if he has a "soulmate".

Aidan Turner

Aidan Turner

The 33-year-old hunk, who announced his separation from actress Sarah Greene, his girlfriend of five years, in November 2015, has admitted he thinks it can be "unhealthy" to spend your entire life with one person.

He said: "I don't know if I believe in the soulmate thing so much.

"I think you can find somebody you can love your entire life and you can still feel that love decades and decades later.

"I know couples who've been together 50 years and are happy. But it can be unhealthy to rely on somebody so much."

Aidan has also previously dated actresses Charlene McKenna and Lenora Crichlow, and he is insistent that his next girlfriend will not be a screen star.

He told Daily Mirror newspaper: "I've been in that world before where you're with someone who does the same thing and it can be quite difficult because that's all you are."

In fact, Aidan said he does not even enjoy the perks of fame.

He said: "I'm just not interested in any of that stuff. Work is what I want to do.

"Sure, it's fun, sometimes. I went to Wimbledon and was next to Stanley Tucci and Bear Grylls. That was a buzz.

"Watching tennis and wearing a nice suit that somebody gave me for free - brilliant.

"Days like that are fun, but I thank God they're few and far between. I like to keep my feet on the ground."

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