Michael Barrymore has broken his hand during 'Dancing On Ice' rehearsals.

Michael Barrymore

Michael Barrymore

The 67-year-old star may have put his place in the upcoming figure skating competition in doubt after slipping on the ice and breaking a bone in his hand, with the chances of him being able to compete said to be "pretty bleak".

An insider told The Sun newspaper: "It's looking pretty bleak.

"The recovery time for a broken bone will mean it will be almost impossible for him to compete.

"Michael is absolutely gutted - he thought this would be his big chance to kick-start a TV revival."

The veteran TV presenter will be devastated if it turns out he can't appear on the show, particular after pro partner Alex Murphy previously insisted he was better than Brian McFadden, who she paired with last year.

She said: "He is so on-time and perfect. He's lovely. He is an angel and a dream compared to who I had last year. A saint."

The comedian - who has hosted the likes of 'Strike It Lucky' and 'Kids Say The Funniest Things' - previously revealed how thrilled he was to be taking part as he was confirmed as one of the first celebrities lined up for the programme.

Announcing his involvement, he said at the time: "I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone, I haven't got a clue who everyone else is. I'm really excited!"

Former 'Love Island' star Maura Higgins recently revealed she is "battered and bruised" from her own 'Dancing on Ice' rehearsals - but insisted the pain is "worth it".

She admitted: "I've got bruises all over my legs. I'm battered and bruised but it'll be worth it. I've definitely progressed and improved, but I've got a long way to go."

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