Danny Williams and Jourdan Rian have been booted from the 'Love Island' villa.

Danny Williams

Danny Williams

The couple lost a public vote and were kicked out of the ITV2 show, after finding themselves in the bottom three with Curtis Pritchard and Amy Hart and Lucie Donlan and George Rains.

Jourdan said: "I'm glad I can leave with Danny. I'd be crying on the floor if I left on my own."

Whilst Danny added: "The overall feeling is grateful because I met Jourdan."

Michael Griffiths was gutted to see his friend Danny leave.

In a frank chat in the Beach Hut, he admitted: "It's never easy seeing people go, especially ones who you're close to."

Whilst Jordan Hames said of Danny: "I lost a boy today. Everyone's got that one boy who's on the same flex. We used to do everything together. It's so difficult."

And Joanna Chimonides was tearful as she spoke of how much she would miss Jourdan.

She said: "I'm gutted. I really am. She's helped me out a lot here. I keep crying. She's helped me a lot and I can't thank her enough."

Following the dumping, the remaining islanders were told they must decide who stays or goes between Curtis and Amy or George and Lucie.

However, it has since emerged that Amy has left the villa after getting her heartbroken by Curtis.

A source close to Amy said: "It was Amy's decision to walk from the villa as she felt she had gotten as much as she could from the experience. She fell in love, had her heart broken and couldn't stand the thought of seeing Curtis crack on with other girls while under the same roof as her. She was given therapy and support from the producers at ITV and they felt she was emotionally sound enough to make her own decision. They would never dream of keeping someone in there if they weren't happy about it."

And a show source added: "Amy has decided to leave the villa after she didn't find love with Curtis. She is a strong woman who knows her own mind and the show has given her the confidence to give finding love on the outside a go."

'Love Island' continues on Tuesday (09.07.19).

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