Ben Price

Ben Price

Coronation Street's David Platt "deserved it" when his wife cheated on him with his brother.

The bad boy hairdresser - who is portrayed by Jack P. Shepherd - will go on a rampage when he discovers his brother Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) slept with his wife Kylie Platt (Paula Lane) on Christmas Day night (25.12.12), but Ben thinks his on-screen sibling has got what was coming to him.

He joked: "David deserved this! I mean, come on. If you could choose Nick or David, who would you go for? It's an obvious choice!"

David will wreak havoc when he obtains a set of keys to Nick and Leanne Tilsley's (Jane Danson) flat and begins a revenge campaign of terror against his unsuspecting brother, and Ben teased there is a "huge showdown" to come between the pair.

He added to Inside Soap magazine: "The story is really clever, as the pair of them were closer than ever prior to David learning the truth. But as David starts turning nasty again, Nick also becomes harder.

"They've both been hiding these sides to their personalities, and it's not going to end well at all!

"David's being incredibly helpful, and then incredibly obtuse at certain points - I think Nick is beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable.

"There's a huge showdown on the cards."