'Fireman Sam' is introducing its first-ever police character.

PC Malcolm Williams

PC Malcolm Williams

The long-running children's show has announced plans to introduce PC Malcolm Williams in the upcoming 12th series of the programme.

The new character is being voiced by respected film and TV actor Colin McFarlane, who is known for his roles in 'The Dark Knight' film trilogy, as well as appearances in 'Jonathan Creek' and 'EastEnders'.

The upcoming series is due to premiere on October 26 on Cartoonito and the police officer's first Pontypandy emergency will see him help Sam rescue Nipper, who is heading off down the hill on Hydrus towards Trevor's bus.

News of the character was announced shortly after 'Fireman Sam' launched a campaign to help raise funds for the DEC Coronavirus Appeal.

The much-loved children's show is keen to recognise the friends, family members and frontline workers who have gone above and beyond amid the health crisis.

Helen Genia, the head of UK licensing and hardlines at Mattel, said: "There’s no doubt there has been a shift in what is considered a hero, never more so than this year.

"Children will grow up in this era, not just thinking about the traditional superheroes like those to look up to, but many of those in services such as the NHS that serve us so well.

"Not only that, there’s clearly more of an appreciation for the ‘everyday hero’ working hard without a pat on the back each and every day from supermarkets to home deliveries."

The Coronavirus Appeal supports 14 charities in raising money at times of humanitarian crisis.

The money is geared towards providing families with clean water, soap and information on keeping themselves safe, while also providing equipment and supplies for frontline medical workers.