Hayley Atwell

Hayley Atwell

Hayley Atwell has landed a role in the upcoming Captain America TV series.

The 31-year-old actress - who recently wrapped on the second movie in the franchise, 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier', in which she plays Peggy Carter, the titular star's former love interest - will soon start work on 'Agent Carter', a small screen spin-off scheduled to broadcast in America.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "This is a massive deal for both Hayley and Marvel comic fans.

"It's Marvel's major project of 2014, and it will be a big budget production.

"Hayley is absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity and is incredibly grateful to Marvel fans who have basically been campaigning for a spin-off show for the past six months.

"It means moving to LA for six months but her friends and family are all behind her, and this is a huge opportunity."

The brunette stunner has previously admitted she would be interested in starring in a spin-off TV series because she wants to show a different side to no-nonsense Peggy.

She said: "The one-shot was so successful, the fanbase were like, 'We want more of Peggy!'

"I think Marvel probably take that very seriously, and it's certainly something I would be a part of doing. I'd be interested to show different sides of Peggy.

"Although she's kick-ass, and she can be aggressive and just as competent as the men, it'd be nice to show that she's a feminist in a way.

"It's not just about her being aggressive and as aggressive as the men in those action sequences, but being able to be a little bit more rounded as a person."

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