Jenna Coleman's Doctor Who exit has been changed and thrown out twice already.

Jenna Coleman

Jenna Coleman

The actress plays companion Clara to the Timelord, and originally planned to depart during the eighth series' final episode.

She changed her mind however and wanted to appear in the Christmas special, but then decided she didn't want to leave then, either.

Showrunner Steven Moffat said to Doctor Who magazine: "['Death in Heaven'] was her last episode.

"And then she asked me if she could be in [the] Christmas [special]. So I said, 'OK, I'll write you out in Christmas'.

"She came to the read through and did the 'write out' version - and again changed her mind."

Despite her indecision, Steven says he "never wanted her to go".

"I didn't really want 'Death in Heaven' to be her last episode.

"And with 'Last Christmas', I'd already written the alternative version where she stayed, and I preferred that version.

"Frankly, I didn't want to lose her. She's an amazing actress, and she never stops working to make Clara better. I was very happy to go the extra mile to make sure we could keep her."

Jenna will return opposite Peter Capaldi in 'Doctor Who' series nine on BBC One later this year.

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