Roxanne Pallett

Roxanne Pallett

Roxanne Pallett nearly died after suffering a "severe" kidney infection on the 'Rocky Horror Show' tour.

The 30-year-old beauty - who is dating Harry Neale - feared her life was coming to an end when she woke up in the middle of the night to find out she was having a fit and her whole body had gone numb, her skin had turned green and she couldn't open her mouth to speak.

She said: "I woke up suddenly at about 5am while we were on tour with the show.

"I was actually having a fit - I had a severe kidney infection that had travelled to other parts of my body and it was pretty serious.

"Harry called an ambulance and I was admitted to hospital where I nearly died.

"Someone had administered me a drug either too quickly or that was too high a dosage and I had a very bad reaction to it.

"My whole body went numb, I couldn't open my mouth to speak, my hearing and my sight were both diminishing. I remember I was crying, alarms were going off around me, my skin turned green and my lips turned blue.

"I looked up at Harry and said, 'Goodbye,' because I thought I was going to die."

Despite the traumatic time, Roxanne made a full recovery and returned to tour - on which she plays Janet Weiss - shortly afterwards.

She added to OK! magazine: "I'm fine now. I left the hospital after three days because I had to get back on tour - not that the doctors agreed with my decision.

"Harry took me home and we've been inseparable ever since."

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