Spencer Matthews

Spencer Matthews

Spencer Matthews believes Caggie Dunlop could "change his ways".

The 'Made in Chelsea' star doesn't think he is too immature  to sustain a steady relationship and believes his co-star is the only woman he could ever be faithful to.

Spencer Matthews says "I don't think I currently have the maturity to deal with a serious relationship - I don't think I'm ready for one and I don't want one.

"I hurt people unintentionally and I make mistakes. The worst thing is, it bothers me a little bit, but then I get over it so quickly I repeat my mistakes.

"[What would make me change?] Caggie giving me a chance or meeting the right girl.

"I've always wondered whether I'd cheat on Caggie if we got together and I don't think I would ... She knows she could make me change my ways. We have this natural chemistry."

While he isn't ready for a serious relationship now, Spencer does want to settle down eventually.

In heat magazine he is reorted as saying "I love the idea of being in love and being the perfect father and husband, but maybe in 10 years time."

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