Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton

Dancing With The Stars Results Show Well it seemed judge Bruno Tonioli was in tune with the voting public when he gave Michael Bolton's "Hound Dog" jive Monday night a 'big' 3. Sections of the audience boo 'd him feeling the crooner deserved a lecture on how to jive rather than Bruno's harsh judgement.

Well being a cynic I expected a wave of sympathy to save Bolton but it was not to be as sympathy votes were few and far between.

The viewers may have disagreed with what the singer himself called "inappropriate and disrespectful" behaviour from the judge, they certainly agreed with the judges that it was the worst dance of the night. As a result Bolton found himself the second contestant to be shown the backdoor and where to get a cab home. Still his standing ovation from the judges and audience might help soothe his hurt feelings....

Last night also addressed the other issue raised Monday - who was being boo 'd the Judges or Sarah Palin. Unaired footage from Monday night's show was shown to try to clear up who the crowd was heckling -- the judges for giving Jennifer Grey all 8s, or Sarah Palin, who was sitting in the audience.

The conclusion - the live show made it look like it was Palin the fans were displeased with, but the new footage pointed to it being the judges.

On to next weeks show which will have the stars telling a story with their dances... Should be interesting!