David (Jack P Shepherd) is getting more and more wound up as Sarah (Tina O'Brien) practices speaking Italian and waxes lyrical about all the things she’s going to do in Italy. David warns her that he hasn’t finished with her yet but Sarah’s confident that she’s untouchable and tells him she’s already won. Later at their farewell party in the pub, Sarah can’t wait to leave but Jason (Ryan Thomas) seems quiet, claiming he’s happy if Sarah’s happy. When they arrive back, Jason's unnerved when David rants to him about Sarah, telling him he feels sorry for Jason, as he‘s blind to Sarah’s true colours and she's stiched both of them up. Jason dismisses David but he's clearly worried by David's sincerity as he warns him that his wife's as devious as they come. Will Jason listen to David?Kevin’s (Michael leVell) nervously getting ready for his court appearance and when Rosie (Helen Flanagan) wishes him luck its clear that he holds her responsible for his predicament. Meanwhile, Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) finally ventures into the flat and pours her heart out to Maria (Samia Smith) as the reality of the situation hits her. Kevin returns from court after pleading guilty and admits his worries over the possibility of a jail sentence to Bill (Peter Armitage) and Tyrone (Alan Halsall). Will Kevin get sent down? Michelle’s (Kym Ryder) nerves have become increasingly worse and Steve (Simon Gregson) decides to take her for a meal at the Italian. The strain of burying her feelings and remaining upbeat is clearly getting to her and she finally breaks down and admits that she can’t stop thinking about the DNA test. Will she have the courage to go through with it?Over in the pub, Vernon (Ian Reddington) marks his territory when he rejects Jim’s (Charles Lawson) offer of help in the pub. Is Jim trying to take Vernon's place? Elsewhere, Kirk (Andrew Whyment) is smitten with Becky (Katherine Kelly) after she gives him a Christmas kiss and starts hanging around the café, is he in with a chance?

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