While Liz (Beverley Callard) and Vernon (Ian Reddington) excitedly prepare for their honeymoon in Nashville, Steve (Simon Gregson) confronts a remorseful Jim (Charles Lawson) about yesterday’s shenanigans. Despite Jim’s apologies Steve has decided he’s put his neck on the line for his dad for the last time and tells him it’s time to move on. Jim knows after assaulting Vernon he’s only one step from prison and accepts Steve’s order and after saying goodbye to Amy (Amber Chadwick), he leaves, banished for good. Lloyd (Craig Charles) arrives to take the newlyweds to the airport and reveals he’s gutted that he missed the wedding after being told it was called off. Vernon laughs but Liz’s silence tells him it’s true and he walks back inside claiming there’s no point in going on a honeymoon as his marriage is a sham. Liz is convinced she’s blown it. Will she be able to convince Vernon she is happy she married him and that they should go on honeymoon as planned?Liam (Rob James-Collier) and Maria (Samia Smith) are blissfully in love and busy looking for hotels to stay at in the Lake District for their mini-break with Ozzy. When they finally choose a country retreat Liam spontaneously decides to whisk his fiancée away that night. Carla (Alison King) is clearly jealous when she discovers they’re taking a trip, but as they leave Manchester set for a romantic weekend he seems genuinely contented with his family unit and promises not to mention a word about Carla for the rest of the holiday. Will he keep his promise? Meanwhile, Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) is touched when Chesney (Sam Aston) comforts her with his reassurances that he’ll always be there for her. Will Fiz get over her heartbreak? Elsewhere, Tyrone (Alan Halsall) and Kirk (Andrew Whyment) try and cheer up Jason (Ryan Thomas) who is lost without Sarah .This episode is written by Jan McVerry, produced by Steve Frost and directed by Pip Short.