Maria's (Samia Smith) world is in chaos as she sits at Liam’s (Rob James-Collier) bedside and corrects the nurse when she calls her “Carla” once again. The nurse explains that the confusion could be triggered by Liam’s condition but Maria’s not convinced and as Michelle (Kym Ryder), Steve (Simon Gregson) and Ryan (Ben Thompson) arrive she breaks down and admits to Michelle that Liam was calling out for Carla when he was at death’s door. Michelle tries to reassure her that Liam loves her but as he starts to stir, Maria struggles to break a smile. Michelle urges her to confront Liam and find out the truth for the sake of their child but it’s clearly breaking her heart. Will Maria have the courage to deal with the situation?Sophie (Brooke Vincent) can’t hide her resentment towards Rosie (Helen Flanagan) and as they begin to bicker, Sally (Sally Whittaker) insists they lay off one another for Kevin's sake - he’s worried enough about his case without his family falling apart. Despite her bravado Rosie is genuinely upset at all the chaos she’s caused. Will things ever be the same in at the Webster household? As Jack (William Tarmey) and Vera (Elizabeth Dawn) bicker about the lack of houses available in their price range, Tyrone (Alan Halsall) arrives back from Blackpool as their saviour after visiting every estate agent in the area and compiling a list of the top ten properties in their price range. They’re delighted but as they decide to go and view the properties, the reality of their move begins to dawn on everyone. What will Coronation Street be like without the Duckworths? Elsewhere, Gail (Helen Worth) clashes with a young girl (Michelle Keegan) in the medical centre.