Tuesday, January 6, 2015 (7.30pm, BBC One)

Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC

There's just six weeks to go until a special week of live episodes unveil Lucy's killer, and things are hotting up on Albert Square with the investigation back in full swing. Carol's shocked to discover Max tearing up evidence vital to the case after showing him the file she found. Elsewhere on the market, Donna doesn't show up for work meaning Stacey and Kat use her pitch to set up an extra stall, not banking on her fellow trader's special surprise announcement when she eventually does turn up.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 (8.30pm, BBC One)

Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC

The police are in search of Nick Cotton and come to Dot's house to investigate. Could they have finally caught up with him or are his family to cover for him once more? Pam has a plan to bring Kat and Donna closer together, and so the two of them try to pull the wool over her eyes by pretending to be new best friends. Meanwhile, Ben finds himself on the receiving end of an unsuspected outburst.

Thursday, January 8, 2015 (7.30pm, BBC One)

Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC

Finding out that Kat can't afford the next rent payment, Donna goes to Alfie with a plan, and before long he turns up at his wife's stall with a box full of men's clothing for her to sell. Her day goes on to take another unexpected turn when she receives shocking news from Mo, whilst Ben and Sharon find themselves at loggerheads.

Friday, January 9, 2015 (8pm, BBC One)

Credit: BBC
Credit: BBC

Kat's caught in a compromising position by Stacey, who goes on to try and get to the bottom of what's going on with her cousin. She doesn't have just her own family to worry about however, as Lauren asks for help in speaking to Max. Though at first reluctant, she does go and head over to the Brannings' house, confronting her former flame about his recent suspicious behaviour.

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