Gray (Christopher Villiers) goes to see Perdy (Georgia Slowe) once more and finds her in a terrible state. Promising to help, Gray reveals that he still cares for her. On his return, Katie (Sammy Winward) is again suspicious and she soon argues with Gray over his whereabouts. Mid-tirade Gray slips up and calls her Perdy, leading Katie to severly question the future of their relationship. Is Gray about to lose both his partner and his unborn child?Meanwhile, Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) and Ashley (John Middleton) argue over Ashley's insistence to know Arthur's (Billy Harrower) parentage. After arriving back with no news from the hospital, Ashley is interrupted by a desperate Hilary (Paula Wilcox) who informs him that Mel (Caroline Strong) and Greg (Shaun Prendergast) are planning to move to Spain permanently. Will Ashley take steps to ensure Arthur stays put?Also, when Jonny (Richard Grieve) informs Matthew (Matt Healy) that the manure has been stolen, he finds Eli (Joseph Gilgun) and demands a share of the profits or he'll go to the police. While showing clients around later in the day Matthew is fuming to see his car covered in his own manure. Are the Kings and Dingles about to lock horns?

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