Sharon (Victoria Hawkins) tries desperately to smooth things over with Dan (Patrick Molyneux) but has to resort to leaving him voicemail messages. Worse follows as Paul (Mathew Bose) shows her the local paper with Sharon's wedding disaster only making page 5. Val (Charlie Hardwick), feeling terrible, pours out her woes to Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) who persuades her to go and talk to Sharon and try to make amends.A nervous Val, downs several brandies for Dutch Courage and sets off to find her daughter, but is Sharon willing to listen?Meanwhile, David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Jasmine (Jenna-Louise Coleman) flirt in the café, but when Debbie (Charley Webb)butts in and insults her career prospects, Jasmine exits, leaving David to turn his attentions to Debbie. However Lisa (Jane Cox) reminds her of David's treatment of Del but Debbie remains unperturbed. Eli (Joseph Gilgun) shares Lisa's concerns but for an entirely different reason. Is David about to put another Dingle notch in his bedpost?

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