When Gennie (Sian Reese-Williams) arrives unexpectedly, Paddy (Dominic Brunt) invites her to Eli’s (Joseph Gilgun) party. She’s disturbed to see Shadrach (Andy Devine) boozing on the street with Eli and Paddy is quick to shepherd her away. Gennie comments that Shadrach reminds her of a man who slept rough where she grew up. At the party, Gennie comments on how nice everyone seems. When she asks Paddy whose party it is, he tells her its a family by the name of Dingle, leaving Gennie shocked and anxious about what will happen next. Will the lady meet the tramp?Meanwhile when Mel (Caroline Strong) shows up with Arthur (Billy Harrower), Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) is thrown and refuses to take him even though she had arranged to babysit. She confesses to Ashley (John Middleton) that she can’t face having him in the house. When Hilary (Paula Wilcox) discovers that Mel and Greg (Shaun Prendergast) plan to move away, she begs them to stay, leaving them feeling confused by her outburst. Will Mel and Greg discover her suspicions?Elsewhere, Lily (Anne Charleston) opens Pearl’s (Meg Johnson) post to discover she has won a competition and the prize is a cruise for two people. Lily, Edna (Shirley Stelfox) and Betty (Paula Tilbrook) all want to go on the cruise but Pearl tells them they’ll have to be on their best behaviour until she decides who to take. Will it be handbags at dawn?

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