When Ross (Samuel Anderson) turns up to offer Donna (Verity Rushworth) a lift to work, she informs him that she's not going in. At the station, Ross acts friendly with Shane (Paul McEwan) so he can gain his trust. Back home, Marlon (Mark Charnock), Eli (Joseph Gilgun) and Zak (Steve Halliwell) wait at the barn wearing balaclavas, calling Ross with instructions to lead Shane into their treacherous trap. Will the Dingles deal their justice or will Ross cop out of the cunning plan?Elsewhere, Lexi (Sally Oliver) attempts to show Carl (Tom Lister) what she is capable of when she gets more quotes for the business. When her attempts to impress fail, she resigns in a huff causing Carl to u-turn and chase after her. Promising her more involvement in the company, Lexi relents and agrees to go back. With Carl firmly back wrapped round her finger, is Lexi one step closer to carrying out Matthew's (Matt Healy) dirty work?Over at the Woolpack, Val (Charlie Hardwick) is annoyed that Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) won't agree to her plans of modernising the pub. Will tradition triumph over trash?

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