“Ever since he’s got that car, it’s like I’ve got a different boyfriend,” Belle complains to a sympathetic Irene, who’s by now noticed that Drew seems to have lost his status as flavour of the month. And things only go from bad to worse when, having reluctantly given in to meeting Drew for lunch, Dom steps in to shake things up. You see, Lisa’s recent attack of conscience has seen her building bridges with Drew, and when Dom witnesses the two hugging, he can’t resist the opportunity to turn it into so much more. “They looked pretty cosy. He had his arm around her. I thought you might wanna know,” he says to an enraged Belle, as if providing some kind of twisted public information service. Belle soon finds out everything she needs to know from the sheepish look with which Drew answers her resulting interrogation, prompting her to storm off to the library out of protest. It’s then that Dom chooses to make his move. He offers her a lift, only to convince her to hang out at his place instead. And it’s not long before things get out of hand. “Drew would be pretty angry if he knew you were smoking with another guy,” he says, offering Belle a drag on what she presumes is just a cigarette. By the time she’s realised what she’s been smoking, it’s too late; she’s completely disorientated, and Dom’s less than willing to let her leave. “I really like you, Belle. I just want you to like me too,” he says, blocking her escape. It’s only when Lisa comes over to confront Dom about the lies he’s been spreading that Belle gets her chance to break free – and Drew’s only too quick to take his revenge.Close encounterIt’s not just Belle and Drew who are won over by Lisa’s recent transformation. When Luc returns home from the diner, having witnessed the earlier commotion, he seems particularly upset by the idea that Lisa may still be interested in Drew – especially considering the fact that the two of them are supposed to be just friends. But if there’s just a hint of jealousy in his complaining, Lisa’s only too quick to pick up on it. “I like someone else,” she says, edging closer – and before you know it, the two of them are sharing a long-awaited kiss. As “amazing” as Luc finds their close encounter, though, he instantly decides that life’s too complicated for them to become involved with one another (well, either that, or it wasn’t as amazing as he claims). “There’s enough going on with your psychotic boyfriend without adding us to the mix,” he reasons. You see, truth be told, Luc’s a man of principles; even though Denni’s far from a doting boyfriend to poor Lisa, he’s not about to come between the unhappy couple and make things worse. Well, not just yet, anyway.Past poisons“It’s a bit of harmless flirting, and he’s a spunk. Why not?” Cassie shrugs, as Martha observes her all-out obsession with Henk. Little does either of them know that the object of their affections is preoccupied with other thoughts – most notably, feelings of guilt over his past with Rachel. In fact, so disturbed is he to find himself in her company when he walks in on the bridesmaids’ meeting that he spends the rest of the day on a drinking binge. Needless to say, the drunken pleading for forgiveness which follows isn’t exactly well received by Rachel, and Henk subsequently winds up passed out outside the diner apartment, having given up on the ever-challenging task of unlocking the front door. It’s Cassie who eventually comes to his aid – but she’s in for the shock of her life. After helping him inside and onto the couch, she just can't resist giving him a goodnight kiss – and let’s just say, he doesn’t seem all that pleased by her advances…

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