‘I need your help. I’ve done something, and everything’s a mess,’ Henk admits to Martha, having called her away from the Surf Club for a secret meeting. Her mind racing through the possibilities, anger soon turns to sympathy when he tells her about his diagnosis – but that does little to ease her doubts about his next request. Wanting to protect Cassie by not putting her through the inevitable three-day wait for test results, he spots an opportunity to be had in the fact of Martha being her employer and suggests that passing off the need for a blood test as a work insurance matter may help cover their tracks. Despite some concerns that lying to Cassie will only make things worse, Martha realises Henk is acting out of deep concern and, with his assurances that his next step is to let her friend know that he’s back in the Bay, agrees to go along with his plan. None the wiser, Cassie later returns home delighted to be reunited with her guilt-ridden fiancé – but is she living in a fool's paradise?The power of threeWith Irene finally having seen the light when it comes to accepting Roman as a suitable replacement for Leah, a smitten Rachel has plenty of reason to celebrate – as the drinks guests soon realise when it becomes clear that the pair only have eyes for each other and aren’t likely to be acknowledging anyone else anytime soon. Hopes for a romantic evening are soon dashed when news hits the Bay that Reverend Hall has escaped from hospital, putting everyone on high alert and landing Rachel with a change of company. Roman having been dispatched to watch over Irene and family, Rachel and Sam are left with Tony as their protector – and he seems only too willing to step up to the plate to play the hero. ‘You can tell me to shut up if you want, but does Tony have a little bit of a crush on you?’ Sam teases, as she gets a grip on the situation. Rachel may shrug it all off, but she finally realises that her friend may just be right. Is someone’s heart about to get broken?The great escape

Over at Irene’s, Geoff is consumed with shame over his part in Hall’s escape and, having kept quiet so far, decides to unload some of the burden by admitting all to Annie – who unfortunately takes his confession as even more reason for the pair of them to go to one of the Reverend’s favourite spots, Stewart’s Point, in an attempt to find him.

First-hand experience has left Geoff fully aware of their former mentor’s radical change in character, and so it’s much to Annie’s annoyance that he insists they leave the search to the police.

Although Annie seemingly takes Geoff's advice, the stubborn streak in her wins through: in the early hours of the morning she sneaks out, goes to Stewart's Point and finds the most wanted man in the Bay. But has she put herself in danger of becoming his next victim?

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