It's not quite a case of dingoes-ate-my-baby, but Kim and Rachel wouldn't be any less devastated if this was the case. Lee, who looks like a Death Becomes Her Gloria Hunniford, has tipped up on their doorstep asking for her baby back as if she'd done nothing more than accidentally kicked it into their back garden. Apparently, she's sorted herself out, dumped Dane and is now living with a family called the Kennedys (possibly in Erinsborough but we advise you not to change channels and look). Rachel is pleased to hear that Lee is back on her feet, but she still clings onto little Joe like a limpet. Lee goes on to say that she thought she was very ill at one point, but it turned out to be psychosomatic and that she was just missing her baby. Although she apologises for hurting them, and says that Joe can stay with them that night, she insists that when she leaves tomorrow her son will be going with her. There's only one thing Kim and Rachel can do if they don't want Joe to go back to his mother. And no, it doesn't involve dingoes either. Phew. Amanda is up to her old tricks again. Yeah, we're not doing a Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone face either. Belle is equally unsurprised when she sees her mother canoodling with a tall, dark and handsome stranger in the Surf Club car park, but she wastes no time in moaning to Drew about what she saw. Meanwhile, Mandy arrives home and stuffs a note into her Book of Evil Deeds (otherwise known as her diary). Once she's got rid of Peter, we see that the piece of paper has the words "Chris Cambridge, 11am" scrawled onto it in her spidery handwriting along with a doodle of a black cat and a shopping list (eyes of newt, wings of bat etc). The next day, at the diner, Drew tells his dad of what Belle saw the night before. Peter becomes even more suss when Mandy suddenly has to dash off to a mysterious appointment. Has he got something to worry about? Well, he becomes convinced that this is the case after he witnesses Mandy having an illicit rendezvous with the man from before and whooping with delight when he hands her an expensive-looking box. However, he's got completely the wrong end of the broomstick (You're fired - Ed) - and, to prove her innocence, Amanda has to give Peter his gift of a signed cricket ball a few days early. "Merry Christmas", she sniffs, before wandering off to hang upside down in a tree somewhere. Whoops, then.

"I must warn you", caws Morag, as she settles down at Kim and Rachel's kitchen table. "Taking legal action could be both lengthy and costly." Having said these words, she begins to colour in vast sections of her diary while her pupils turn into dollar signs. Kim is uneasy at the idea of taking Lee to court for baby Joe; after all, they don't want to ruin her life. Besides, even though an injunction for temporary custody would be easy-peasy, they're going to have to work pretty hard if they're going to make it permanent. An unimpressed Rachel harrumphs at her new husband's wishy-washiness.

The next day, Lee is filling Lucas in on her change of heart when she's suddenly stopped in her tracks. "I don't mean to butt in", snarls a voice that could drive crocodiles to suicide. "But I think you should save those statements for the judge." Oh, Morag, you are a gem. "And may I suggest you get a lawyer?" she continues, as Lee's eyes bulge in her head. But instead of seeking legal aid, Lee goes straight to the seat of power and makes a final plea to Rachel. Kim puts the thumbscrews on too, leaving Rach with no choice but to pack up the nappies in an old kit bag and sob, sob, sob. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Morag rolls her eyes and frees her diary up ready for the next person who wants to blame and claim.

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