Woo hoo! It's time for Lucas and Belle to make whoopee. Or is it? Well, even though they've set a date for getting nasty, both parties are nervous (albeit for entirely different reasons). Lucas has the usual fears about losing his virginity, but Belle is more rattled because she's not sure if she'd rather be asking Drew for a ride instead. This doesn't stop her from telling him where to go when he approaches, though. "There is no us!" she shrieks. "I'm sick of Lucas thinking something is going on when there isn't." Drew's face gets even longer. "I do not want to be with you", she reiterates. "Not now, not ever." However, we think the lady doth protest too much. Later that morning, Belle arrives on Lucas's doorstep dressed in her best mules and La Senza. The two of them waste no time in getting hot and heavy, but Belle soon throws Lucas under that metaphorical cold shower. "Maybe we are taking this a little quickly", she gasps, before hitching down her skirt and heading for the hills. Lucas is left utterly confused by her sudden change of heart. What just happened?Now. Call us pessimistic, but we don't think it's an amazing idea to move in with your girlfriend when a) you've been together less than a fortnight and b) said partner is carrying more baggage than British bloody Airways. However, this doesn't stop Jack from suggesting a shack-up when Sam complains that her landlord has upped her rent. Rory is overjoyed at the idea, but Sam is much more dubious. At lunchtime, Sam and Rory head to the diner where Rory questions if he will ever get to live with Jack. Sam dodges the line of questioning. But as soon as her back is turned, Rory disappears. Alf raises the alarm, and everybody begins to fear the worst - until Luc calls Jack with the news that Rory has arrived on their doorstep. We don't think he's going to let go of this bone in a hurry, even though Jack promises him he’s not going anywhere. It looks as though Jack, Sam and Rory's family dynamic is growing stronger by the day. Martha who? Back we go to Australia's most beautiful love triangle - and talk about Drew being caught in the middle. While Lucas asks him for some man-to-man advice, Belle dishes out a slap the next time she sees him. Obviously, leaning in for a kiss isn't something he'll be trying again in the near future. Later, Leah notices Drew's long face (Yeah! We get it! - Ed) and pulls him up on it. Drew admits that he still has the horn for Belle, while the girl in question makes a similar admission to Irene. Later, Belle is at the beach when Lucas arrives. After a brief apology for running out on him, everything seems to be going nicely once again. However, Lucas is distracted by a phone call informing him that he's been accepted into a travelling writers' festival and will be away for three weeks. He's absolutely stoked, but Belle couldn't be less pleased. Let's face it - the girl's a chip off the old block. And you can bet those Belle and Drew-shaped mice are going to have some playing to do in Lucas's absence...

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