It doesn’t take a lot to get Amanda into a flap, but seeing Ethan has really put a fire in her knickers. She races back to the house, babbling to Kelli, panicking that Ethan is about to blow her world apart. “If he had reason to ruin me before he’s got even more reason to do so now,” she rants. Kelli recoils in shock at the news that Ethan is still “alive” and secretly worries that her plan is about to be ruined. Amanda’s thinking about telling Peter everything, for God’s sake. Kelli shunts her sister into a bath to calm down while she gathers her cuckoos. She slips out for an angry word with Ethan. The evil duo need to lull Amanda into a false sense of security until the big day. Ethan later arrives on Amanda’s doorstep demanding a whopping sum of money, or else he’ll show the incriminating photos of him and Amanda’s “one night stand” to all and sundry. “I thought you were dead, I’m sorry!” Amanda yelps. Even if she manages to stump up the cash, how can she trust Ethan to keep it zipped? Kelli’s got a plan.Keep it in the closetThe sisters blag their way into Ethan’s motel room. If they can destroy the evidence, Ethan will have no hold on them, right? Mandy’s shocked that Kelli knows so much about breaking and entering. "Just a few things I picked up during my drug dependency days," the Rapunzel-haired temptress shrugs. Ethan arrives; the ladies shove him into a cupboard and set fire to the photos. Ethan puts on his best oh-my-god-all-my-blackmailing-power-is gone face and hides a smirk when weedy little Amanda gets all up in his grill. Amanda’s happy again; and Kelli and Ethan’s evil plan is back on track.Because I got highJames and Kit are having a mushy dinner when Kim arrives to remind Kit that they were going to look for a midwife on the internet. He realises three’s a crowd and scarpers, but he’s got a got a bee in his bonnet.

He’s happy Kit’s got herself a nice man but….well, it’s his baby and he doesn’t want to be left out of anything. Later, James rushes Kit to hospital when she complains of a headache. It’s a bit of an overreaction, but hey, it’s nice to be looked after.

The next day, though, it seems like James is the one who needs looking after when he almost accidentally gives a patient the wrong drugs. The patient could have died! But Rachel kindly agrees to keep it quiet. James gets home, shaken by the events of the shift. He pulls out his bag of weed and is about to roll a spliff when Kit arrives home. Betcha didn’t know your boyfriend was a caner…

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