"Stealing, Drew", tsks Peter. "This isn't like you", he continues, demonstrating that he doesn't know his son from Adam. Well, to be fair, this time it wasn't Drew who "did a Martha" and emptied the Surf Club's liquor locker. Drew pulls an even longer face than usual at this fatherly admonishment, and later transfers his woes onto Jules. After all, through saving his friend's backside, Drew got his own arse well and truly kicked. He's fairly forgiving, though, which is more than we can say for Belle. She rips into Jules for a being a gutless wonder, prompting him to send the cookie jar crashing to the floor. Crumbs. In typical new-teen fashion, Jules is obviously going through some major angst. But will anybody get to the bottom of it? Well, Lily - the bastard lovechild of the Little Mermaid and John Inman - soon steps in to listen to his misery and gaze at him with her saucer-like eyes. All the while, though, Cassie is looking on with her eyes slitted and lips pursed. She later explains to Lils why she should be looking for a bit of slap and tickle elsewhere. Let's face it, we suspect she only wants the tickle at the moment. But despite telling Cassie that she'll knock her fledgling new relationship on the head, the girl's gonna do what she wants to do...Spinal flapAmanda is wallowing in self-pity like a hedgehog in a compost heap. A slice of Kelli's gateau fails to lift Mand's spirits - probably because she's licked it - and a stand-off with Peter on the beach doesn't help matters either. (We're cheered up, though, by the fact that the dishy detective has his shirt off in this bit. Actually, we haven't been so pleased since they axed the walrus honking the theme tune and replaced him with somebody who at least has a vague grasp of melody.)

In other news, the gym has been closed since God was a lad and it's only after Alf starts banging on about it that Kelli agrees to step in and cover a few shifts.

Unfortunately, while she's on duty, she dishes out some wonky keep-fit advice which leaves some poor bloke being whisked to hospital with a busted back.

When Kelli admits that she's not qualified for anything other than doing evil deeds, Amanda is promptly informed that she'll be sued into the middle of next week's episode guide.

Later that day, a shaken Mand heads back to the Surf Club to rummage around for her insurance documents. Little does she know that, behind the closed door, Kelli and Ethan are celebrating this latest successful phase of their plan by getting jiggy on the rowing machine.

Are they about to be discovered? And will they remember to wipe it down for the next person who wants to use it? (Ewww - Ed)

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