First Amanda and Peter fled back to the city; Naomi was hot on their heels. Now, with the revelation that Kit is going back there too, we're wondering if we should pack our bags and head there ourselves. Imagine all the stuff we must be missing out on (Note to writer: Home and Away is not real - Ed). She reckons that she's doing it to finish her degree and thus build a strong future for Archie, but it's really because she's in lurve with Kim and doesn't want to admit it. Rachel is unsettled by this latest turn of events, and asks Kim if this affects his feelings about starting their own family. A defensive Kim admits that he no longer knows what he feels about anything; the only thing he's sure of is that he's sick and tired of being pulled in two different directions by Kit and Rachel. "I have no idea how I got here", he mopes, lamenting the fact that he's both married and a father at barely 20 years of age. Is it a case of too much, too young?Return to OzDan is dealing with his own form of chaos as he plays sole parent to Drew, Jules and Ryan.

Drew, who has dropped out of school like a great big massive loser, has been giving him plenty of attitude about getting a job. Jules, meanwhile, has spent his morning skiving school and teaching Ryan how to use a catapult.

"What will Leah think when she gets home?" sighs Dan, after giving all three boys a rollicking for their misdeeds. "She won't be very happy", says a disembodied voice from the doorway.

That's right - Leah and VJ have returned from Greece a day early - but the smile is wiped from Drew's face when she forces him into working at the diner.

Trudging to work the next day, he and Jules are nearly sideswiped by a motorcyclist travelling at speed. When the rider turns up at the diner, Jules instantly goes on the attack.

However, he's astounded when Leah exits the kitchen to inform them that the rider is in fact her brother, Alex! So they're off to a good start then. Nice.

Pregnant pause

Following her argument with Kim, Rachel decides to keep calm and talk about the subject thoughtfully, carefully and rationally. That's just our little joke, you understand. Instead, she flies round to Kit's house and accuses her of trying to undermine her plans to start a family.

"The minute we say we're having a baby, you tell Kim you're leaving", she spits, as a nation turns the sound down. "You knew that would throw him into a spin!"

Kit angrily denies this, telling Rachel that the only reason she wants to have a baby is to save her marriage. Meanwhile, Hugh and Kim have an argy-bargy of their own.

Hugh's vaguely weird attitude is that Rachel is no spring chicken - which is hardly the case - and that Kim ought to get her knocked up or let him do it instead. Later, Kim quietly tells Rachel that he's been doing a lot of thinking.

If she still wants to start a family, he's ready to do it. It's the news Rachel wanted to hear, but instead of feeling happy she ends up more confused than ever...

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