Kit's fears over Archie’s health were justified after all, and as you'd expect, this does very little to ease the growing tensions between members of the Kit-Kim-Rachel-Hugh web of desire. Rachel's argument that she over-exaggerated things to appease Hugh – who'd been angry that she'd prioritised Archie over another patient – just doesn't wash, leaving Kit ready to flee Summer Bay once and for all. And when Kim finally gets to the hospital following a visit to his father's, he knows just whose side to take. No, funnily enough, it's not his wife's. Even when test results show that Archie's in the clear, Kim's fuming that Rachel would put his son in danger; it's only when Hugh steps in that they agree to put their heated "discussion" on hold. "I hope you know what you're doing," Hugh later snarls at Kit, after witnessing her taking comfort in Kim's words. Of course, he's been doing his fair share of "comforting", too, so the words "pot", "kettle" and "black" spring to mind… No woman, no cryBrad, meanwhile, fears his intellectual prowess is being fast forgotten by Sally, whose ideas of keeping him occupied while they await the Education Department's decision involve him helping out old ladies with DIY jobs. "I’m not a handyman; I'm a trained educator," he tells an unsympathetic Tony, who's missing a woman's touch – no longer are his bed, fridge or life full. Yes, in that order. But while Tony may muster enough wisdom to help out a friend in need, telling Brad that Sally's only doing what she can to help him through a difficult time, ideas are a little thin on the ground when it comes to sorting out his own life. "I’ve handled a few things badly since Beth died, that's all," he admits. But is the brunette he eyes up and follows out of the bar about to be one more?Leaving on a jet plane?

Secrets just seem to bounce off the walls of the hospital. Let's hope the charge nurse is a little more adept at patient confidentiality than she is at unwittingly providing potentially earth-shattering news to her colleagues.

Having found out from said secret-blabber that Hugh's accepted the fellowship in Johannesburg, Rachel rushes over to his place to confront him. "So, it's true – you're leaving?" she cries, surveying a room full of luggage. Determined to finally resolve the Bay's crisis of mismatched lovers, Hugh takes his chances – as he tells the nurse when he tears up an incident report, now that he's leaving, he can do what the hell he likes – and issues Rachel with an ultimatum. "You tell me what to do: stay or go.

It's your choice. But if I stay, it's with you, and if I go, I can assure you I'm not coming back."

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