Paul’s confounded when Lyn –blissfully unaware of Paul’s infatuation with Rosetta - offers Rosie a business law traineeship at Lassiter’s. Positive Rosie’s equally besotted with Paul, Pepper counsels Rosie against taking the position. Affronted at being labelled naive, Rosie takes the job. Following a hasty tour of the Lassiter’s complex, Paul’s keen to get Rosie out of sight and out of mind. However, he shoots himself in the foot by presenting an opportunity for time alone with Rosie in the hotel’s wine cellar. Once there, Paul starts to freak out – and his fear’s exacerbated when the pair are accidentally locked in.After stopping Pepper springing Chris with her female partner, Janae confronts her boss with what she saw. Chris is initially defensive but when she realises Janae is truly concerned about Chris’s relationship with Pepper – who’s still scheming to bring her estranged parents back together – she gladly takes the opportunity to confide in her apprentice. While happily ensconced in her new relationship, Chris is fearful Pepper will react harshly to the news. Janae promises to keep Chris’s secret but soon realises she’s facing a dilemma – staying mum deprives Janelle of potential ammunition in her desire to romance Steiger.Steph’s distressed at finding a note Max left for Charlie that hints Max wanted to leave her even before the accident with Cam. Feeling compelled to rid the house of Max’s memory Steph begins boxing up his effects. Boyd’s livid - to his mind Steph’s emotionally divorcing his dad. But when Steph provides him with the letter to Charlie as evidence, Boyd rummages through his keepsakes to reveal that Max wrote similar letters to all his children.

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