Friends and family gather for Stingray’s funeral. At the wake, Janelle is stunned to find that her son had so many friends she’d never met before. She pulls herself together to say a few words before the family plants a tree in Stingray’s memory.Dylan’s angry path of self-destruction leads him to break into Scarletbar, and lunge aggressively at Boyd during the funeral. When Dylan sees that the people he loves are starting to fear him, he again begs Steiger for help. Meanwhile, Kim passes Steiger’s test by turning up to the wake despite Steiger’s vow to arrest him. At Steiger’s bidding, Kim convinces Dylan to come away from Erinsborough with him for a spell to get his head together – before someone gets seriously hurt or Dylan ends up in gaol. Boyd feels unworthy of attending Stingray’s funeral but Janae selflessly encourages him to attend. In Boyd’s speech at the funeral, it’s clear that Stingray’s death has been a major wake-up call for him and he regrets his appalling behaviour. Glenn walks out on Boyd but hopes for his sake that Janae doesn’t take him back right away – he has a lot more growing up to do first.

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