Toadie breaks the news that Susan’s guilty plea at her committal hearing will most likely land her in prison – driving Karl to plead with her to change her mind. But Susan’s determined to pay for her crime, causing tension between the pair. Karl’s desperation leads him to the Parkers to beg Miranda and Steve to convince Susan to fight for her freedom – but can Miranda be swayed?Elle’s disgusted when she discovers Riley and Oliver’s fight at the marathon was inspired by rivalry over her – and decides that neither of them is worth her attention.Carmella needs another $10,000 to set up her on-line business and Rosie comes to her rescue – offering part of Frazer’s compensation payout (that’s currently sitting in a Rebecchi / Cameniti business account). But before she can discuss the offer with Frazer, Toadie unwittingly lets the cat out of the bag. Frazer’s affronted she didn’t check with him first. Carmella, not wanting to cause further friction between the pair, decides to turn down the offer, effectively abandoning her dreams to expand her business.

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