Susan's sudden blindness nearly leads to tragedy when she stumbles into the path of an oncoming car. Thankfully Sophie is on hand to help out and Susan is taken straight back to hospital. Karl suggests that she could be suffering from Multiple Sclerosis but Dr. Vinton refuses to accept Karl's diagnosis until she has ruled out other, more likely, possibilities. However, when Susan snaps at the prospect of yet more pointless tests, Karl reveals his suspicion leaving Dr. Vinton little choice but to order an MRI scan. Blind and scared by the noisy machine, Susan panics and they have to abort the procedure. Karl races to her side to reassure her. Not only is she strong enough to have the scan and deal with the results, she won't have to do any of it alone. The Kennedy-Kinski kids struggle with the realisation that Susan's illness is more serious than previously thought. Libby comforts Ben and Rachel but Zeke is too scarred by his experiences with his parents. Feeling like he is being lied to by adults once again, he shuts himself off from the family unit.Bridget is frustrated by her lack of physical improvement after the accident. Although the physiotherapist tells her that she's making great progress and needs to be patient, Bridget decides to give up her training. Only Riley realises that her new attitude is connected to Declan's rejection. He reminds her that she's not normally such a quitter but stubborn Bridget stands firm: this is just the way she is now and everyone else should learn to accept it. Carmella bends over backwards trying to lure potential new customer Claudia Scanlon but nothing seems to work. Marco is impressed that Carmella managed to get Claudia into a meeting at all and offers to help out. Carmella smugly warns him that he has no chance with the cold-hearted business woman but gives him permission to try. She can only watch, surprised and secretly jealous, as Marco lays on the charm and wows Claudia completely.

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