Belle Dingle at Gemma's funeral

Belle Dingle at Gemma's funeral

Jane Cox has said she broke down in tears during the filming of a funeral in Emmerdale.

The actress - who plays Lisa Dingle in the ITV soap - has revealed she was overcome with emotion filming the solemn scenes and couldn't stop tears from flowing as a children's choir serenaded the cast.

She told Inside Soap magazine: "Filming those funeral scenes was a very emotional day for all of us. The thing that really set me off was the lovely choir of kids singing 'Don't You Worry Child'. The purity of their voices really set me off and I just couldn't stop crying."

Jane's character Lisa is on edge this week as her daughter Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper), who is responsible for Gemma's death, is asked to speak at the teen's funeral.

Gemma (Tendai Rinomhota) died from head injuries following an argument with Belle in which she was pushed and hit her head against a rock.

Jane explained: "Belle thinks she killed Gemma so her guilt might make her do anything. And now Lisa is terrified about how Belle will cope.

"Lisa is the only one who knows what Belle is going through and she doesn't know what on earth she's going to say [at the funeral]. Luckily, she just reads out the lyrics of Gemma's favourite song. But after that she runs out of the church and Lisa fears she's heading for the police station."

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