

Eyebrows have a semi-permanent character that can either dominate your face or disappear entirely and with shaping, plucking and tweezing there is no reason why you can' t have those perfectly shaped eyebrows that can open up your eyes and balance your features.

Perfectly shaped eyebrows will enhance the natural look of your eyes, accentuate your makeup and have an added bonus of giving you a mini face lift.

Getting that well groomed brow can be done either by yourself at home or visit a beauty parlour where you can sit back and let the professionals go to work on your eyebrows.

Eyebrows can be plucked, waxed, shaped, weaved and coloured and with practice you can keep them under control to retain a natural balance.

Putting our ‘face on' to most women is second nature and we seem to pay particular attention when buying mascara and eye-shadows. Darkened and defined eyes if accentuated by the perfect eyebrow shape can add the ‘finishing touch' to an already beautiful face.