
4 March 2024

Aliens could be stuck on waterlogged planets

Aliens could be trapped on their own planets Astronomers searching for extraterrestrial life are now putting their focus on Hycean planets - ones totally covered by oceans that have no sound. Professor ...

4 March 2024

Having a son drives parents to drink

Raising sons makes parents drink more. A new study suggests that parents of boys were unhealthier than those of girls as they boozed more often, smoked regularly and ate more junk ...

1 March 2024

Wine sniffing cuts cancer risk

Sniffing beer and wine could reduce the risk of cancer. Boffins have discovered that diacetyl - a natural chemical discovered in the alcoholic drinks - works in a similar way when ...

1 March 2024

Losing sense of direction could be an early indicator of Alzheimer's

Losing your sense of direction in middle age could be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have discovered that adults at risk of dementia due to genetic and lifestyle factors ...

1 March 2024

More than a billion people globally are obese

Over one billion people around the world are obese. Global estimates published in The Lancet include 880 million adults and 159 million children, according to data from 2022. The highest rates of ...

1 March 2024

Dead python falls out of sofa at furniture recycling centre

A dead python stunned staff at a furniture recycling centre after falling out of a sofa. The reptile was discovered as the couch was cleaned at Cunningham Furniture Recycling in Ayrshire, ...

29 February 2024

One can of fizzy drink a day increases killer kidney disease risk

Just one fizzy drink per day raises the danger of deadly kidney disease. People who guzzle beverages such as Coca-Cola and Fanta regularly had a greater chance of suffering from the ...

29 February 2024

Long Covid 'brain fog' has serious memory impact

'Brain fog' from long Covid has a considerable impact on memory. A study that assessed over 140,000 people in the summer of 2022 has revealed that the virus has an impact ...

29 February 2024

Beer bellies put men in dementia danger

Men with beer bellies are at a higher risk of dementia. Research has revealed that those who carry extra abdominal fat and have a family history of Alzheimer's disease were found ...

29 February 2024

Ultra-processed food linked to a host of health issues

Eating ultra-processed food causes a multitude of health problems. Products such as ready meals and chocolate bars have been linked with 32 damaging health outcomes, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease, ...

29 February 2024

Married men put on weight after their wedding

Married men are more likely to get fat. A new study has found that chaps pay less attention to their weight once they have tied the knot and pile on the ...

29 February 2024

Global warming is making fish shrink

Fish are shrinking because of climate change. Researchers have found that warmer water means plankton - the microscopic organisms that fish feed on - are reduced in size which deprives the ...

29 February 2024

Baked beans can help people shed the pounds

Eating baked beans could help you lose weight. Chinese researchers have found that tucking into meals such as beans on toast and jacket potatoes is beneficial for the waistline. People who ate ...

29 February 2024

Living near the pub increases risk of heart failure

People who live near pubs are more likely to suffer from heart failure. A study has found that those who live in "high density" areas with 11 or more pubs, bars ...

27 February 2024

Air pollution raises breast cancer death risk by 80 per cent

Air pollution increases the risk of dying from breast cancer by 80 per cent. The connection between pollution and the disease is firmly established but new research to be published this ...

27 February 2024

Smartphone users could control devices with eyes

Smartphone users could soon control the devices with their eyes. The Chinese phone company Honor has unveiled a new AI eye-tracking feature that is capable of detecting when a person is ...

27 February 2024

Humans could be talking to animals in 12 months with help from AI

AI could soon allow humans to talk to animals. Experts from across the globe are using 'digital bioacoustics' to capture the sounds and behaviours of animals that are too quiet and ...

27 February 2024

Slouching isn't as bad for the spine as feared

Slouching isn't as bad for the spine as suspected. It has long been thought that slumped posture is bad for your back but Dr. Chris McCarthy - one of Britain's leading ...

26 February 2024

Eating cereal could raise risk of dementia

A daily bowl of cereal may increase the risk of dementia. Scientists have discovered a link between a vitamin called Thiamine – found in popular types of the breakfast snack such ...

26 February 2024

Alien expert claims that extraterrestrials are too far away for humans to find

An expert has claimed that aliens are too far away from Earth for human encounters. Dr. Malcolm Schofield is convinced that extraterrestrials exist but thinks that the universe is so vast ...

26 February 2024

Marriage does not equal happiness

Marriage doesn't make people happier or healthier than those who are single. Researchers have examined both the physical and mental health of those who have got hitched and those who have ...

26 February 2024

NASA wants four people to spend a year living in Mars simulation

NASA is searching for four people to live on a Mars simulation. The US space agency is seeking volunteers for an experiment that will involve them being locked up for more ...

23 February 2024

Long Covid brain fog could be down to leaky blood vessels

Brain fog in long Covid sufferers may be caused by leaky blood vessels. Scientists have theorised that catching the virus causes disruption in the blood-brain barrier of some victims, causing the ...

23 February 2024

Stress makes cancer grow and spread

Stress causes cancer to grow and spread. A team of experts at New York's Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have found that chronic stress leads to the formation of sticky webs of ...