People care more about their dogs than their cats.

Pet owners favour dogs over cats

Pet owners favour dogs over cats

A new study has confirmed that pet owners have greater levels of attachment when it comes to canines and they are willing to pay higher vet fees for man's best friend.

Researchers sampled over 2,000 people who own either dogs, cats or both and participants were asked to answer questions about their pets' care and their attachment to them.

Analysis revealed that people appeared to care more about their dogs than their cats in all countries and across all measures.

Participants had higher attachment scores for their dogs, insured their pooches more often, generally expected more treatment options to be available for their pets and would pay more for the treatment.

Dr. Peter Sandoe, first author of the study at the University of Copenhagen, said: "We and others have found that people are willing to spend much less on their cats than on their dogs."