An unusual type of red wine can make a women's skin look younger.

An unusual red wine makes female skin look younger

An unusual red wine makes female skin look younger

A study asked 17 females aged between 40 and 67 to drink two glasses of Muscadine wine - which is made from grapes native to the southeast of the United States - and the results showed that it improved the elasticity of the skin and provided an anti-ageing effect.

However, the alcohol was removed from the wine so a glass of regular alcoholic wine may not have the same impact.

Despite this, the research has raised hope of finding a new way to tackle the effects of ageing.

Dr. Lindsey Christman, a co-author of the study at the University of Florida, said: "Muscadine grapes have been found to have a unique polyphenolic profile in comparison to other red wine varieties.

"Our study suggests that Muscadine wine polyphenols have potential to improve skin conditions, specifically elasticity and transepidermal water loss, in middle-aged and older women."