Aidan Turner is getting "fed up" over the attention he is receiving for his body.

Aidan Turner in Poldark

Aidan Turner in Poldark

'Poldark' fans were thrilled when the hunky actor stripped off in the show but his co-star Eleanor Tomlinson, 24, admitted Aidan, 33, would prefer to be recognised for his acting ability rather than his looks.

Revealing her hopes that things will "calm down a bit", Eleanor added to The Sunday Telegraph: "Only because I think Aidan, bless him, is getting a bit fed up with it. 'Poldark' is about so much more than that one thing. And although of course it's dream publicity for the show and it certainly grabbed people's attention, they didn't want it to be known just for that.

"I mean, Aidan's a beautiful man - absolutely gorgeous - but I think he would like to be recognised for his performance, and I would like to stop being asked about his chest."

Eleanor - who plays feisty Demelza Carne opposite Aidan's Ross Poldark - also admitted they often get the giggles during their steamy sex scenes.

She explained: "They always call 'Poldark' a bodice-ripper but I don't think a single bodice has ever been ripped. And there's something so much sexier about what you don't see - about the heavy breathing on necks.

"I'm a complete kid when it comes to sex scenes. It takes me at least two takes to stop laughing. And Aidan's the same - both of us will be laughing our heads of.

"It's because they're so incredibly awkward. Even when they close the set there are still 25 people there, and don't forget you've rehearsed it like, so it's all, 'Right, if you put your hand there and I put mine there...' Just hilarious. My mum can't bear to watch them."